
New Questions

1) What is the worst movie you have ever seen in the theater?

Mine was Godzilla. I only paid a dollar to see it and it still wasn't worth the money. I fell asleep within the first half hour and then walked out when I woke up.

2) What was your favorite dining hall meal in college?

I lived for Sal's Birdland lunch at Sadler dining hall. Breaded chicken wings, potato wedges, and sassy sauce. Delicious. I probably put on 5 pounds everytime Sal's day came around.

3) What is the most disappointing CD you have ever bought?

Although DMB is one of my favorite bands of all time, Busted Stuff was a huge letdown. I had some high hopes for that album. The problem was, it wasn't even better than the un-released Lilleywhite Sessions that every true Dave fan already had a copy of. Many of the songs on Busted Stuff were the same as those on Lilleywhite and the versions weren't any better. In fact, most of the songs were worse.


Zach Fields said...

#1. King's Ransom. I saw it in Naples and it was just plain awful. I don't even want to talk about it anymore, not worth the thought process.

2. Probably the Belgian Waffles that you had to make yourself. Covered in strawberries and whipped cream. Not exactly unique but still tasty.

3. I'd have to say Encore by Eminem. He didn't really get any better but the fact that the music I like now changed more from time his last CD came out probably had more to do with it. I've listened to it twice all the way through and will not be purchasing CD's by him off of reputation any longer.

Anonymous said...

#1 The worst movie I saw was The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. I had never been so bored by a action movie in my life, i couldn't even make it past half the movie before leaving. Truely terrible and I love Sean Connery, what the hell happened !

#2 At school I was always ready for Chicken Fingers and Mac and Cheese, There such staples in my life that even Geneseo couldn't ruin them for me.

#3 As for worst CD's ever bought I'd say Bush's Golden State. Their old stuff was go great and their new stuff so horrible, once again what the hell happened!