
Talk Radio, the weather, and Re-watchable movies

I'm slowly becoming a sports radio degenerate. I used to be commited to a singular program. I'd only listen to "The Jungle," hosted by Jim Rome between the hours of 12 and 3. Now I find myself tuning into Bob Matthews on the drive home from work at night. I get real pissed when every caller uses the same "I'd like to take a shot at the trivia" line. On top of that, I fire up Hot Talk 1280 during the mornings and listen to Brad Davies. Today I even called Davies after hearing a caller claim that Mike Martz was a quality NFL head coach. I started swearing to myself and began dialing the numbers so I could offer up my opinion 'on the air.' They put me on hold and I sat with the phone to my ear for about 30 seconds before quickly ending the call. Thankfully, I came to my senses before I embarrassed myself. I mean, why the hell should I care what some idiot in Avon thinks about the St. Louis Rams? I need to get a life and fast.

It has become quite obvious to me that people only talk about the weather because they have no clever or insightful way to begin or sustain a conversation. YES, I know its freakin cold outside. It's December in Rochester, New York. Couldn't people at least discuss politics or sports or even whether or not they think Jessica and Nick should have broken up? At least then they'd be offering up an opinion. They might only be regurgitating the garbage they heard on Entertainment Tonight the previous day, but at least I wouldn't have to suffer through any more "the sky looks gray" or "when do you think it might snow again" types of conversations. Unless your a Meteorologist, please save your comments about the weather for someone who cares.

MY LIST OF RE-WATCHABLE MOVIES (in no particular order)

Stand by Me
Jerry Maguire
any of the Back to the Future movies
The Shawshank Redemption
Almost Famous
The Goonies
Dazed and Confused

When I speak of "re-watchable movies," I'm talking about when your channel surfing at any time of day, you come across one of these movies, and you get sucked into watching a movie that you've seen dozens of times.

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