Nice i didnt know about the picture options so i wanted to test it out. I think at least 5 of you have seen this in person. Would have loved to hear Rome's take on Pacman in vegas. Im sure it probably ended with Rome doing Good Will Hunting impressions or talking about coming home from college to find his dad killed the pets. Played 2 hours of drunken stoned tip it outside the other night. I enjoyed it more than any night at the casinos.
After many postponements and delays due to inclement weather bowling is nearing its conclusion. Brockport boys finished 4th in D1 section V. This was much better then expected. The girls who could have had a run at champion Rush-Henrietta failed me miserably with an 8th place finish.It is looking as though Brockport may once again be looking for a varsity bowling coach.
Sunday night I happened to be browsing the last min travel sites and found a really good deal for a round trip flight and four night stay in Bermuda. Sarah and I left Tuesday and were there until Saturday afternoon.
I’m sure that there are better times to visit Bermuda other then in their winter but lets be honest here folks...68 is not really that cold to me (I’mOswego Hardened). The week was spent walking pink beaches, cycling through the heart of Bermuda on the abandonedrail trail, and boozing. We kept it pretty cheap because our cottage had a kitchen so most days we cooked breakfast and lunch then did something fancy for dinner. We had a maid who was more then happy to do all of our dishes for us. We met some interesting locals who had us over for tea.And who could forget 78 year old Billy Bobbins who begged us to let him drive us the 40 min to the airport, to which we were more then happy to consent to.
Well...its time to settle back into reality for a while its been rough having nearly every friday off since christmas. Get at me.
OOOOh yeah before i forget Brain Charles master plan is nearly complete...Casey and Brian just got engaged.
1. Brit Spears with a bald head (Burnie now has a chance) 2. Tom Arnold playing a serious part (didnt actually watch it though) 3. Andrew Peters scoring a goal (may never happen again) 4. Sly Stalone taking roids (actually I saw that one coming) anyone check to see if Vinnie has killed himself or started using himself? 5. Weather above 32 degrees (high of 45)
What an exciting week its been and its only Tuesday. And I don't have to work till Monday, things are looking up baby!
I always thought Bon-Ton was the worst of the department stores. Nothing about the store ever made me want to go in there. Plus, it was located in the worst wing of Greece mall. Nobody ever travelled down there except, well, I can't think of another store near Bon-Ton. My personal favorite was always JC Penny. They had modestly priced items and I thought the store had a nice feel to it. As a bonus, the men's department was upstairs so that meant you always had to ride the escalators. If I wanted to throw caution to the wind, I headed to Kaufmans, which in my opinion was just a classier Penny's. Sears was good for electronics, but I don't think I ever bought any clothes there. Yep, Bon-Ton was the black sheep.
A bad sports month? Tim Hardaway talks smack about gays. Two memebers of Gonzaga get busted for weed and shrooms. We're only halfway through the month, but I suppose not too much has happened. February is normally a slow sports month. Unless you like car racing or golf. My favorite moment thus far was the hit Sean Taylor laid on Brian Moorman during the pro bowl. Maybe my favorite hit of the year. Brian Moorman got JACKED UP.
I would guess the RBI leader for the JV team was Brian Charles. He also won biggest ass-kisser and most likely to end up drinking by himself at an Italian sub shop. Now he's taken Chad's place in the Farren family. My how things change. Billy Kalwas won most likely to bring a shotgun to school and open fire at the book drop. He used to tell me his plans during global studies while I was drawing the infamous Melonhead cartoons. Those were the days. my ass signed on to this blog thingee. First off good lock to Hetz and Pete out there in Cali, and does anyone know where I can get some new office supplies, I seem to lacking a few things? This month HAS sucked for sports, and proof of this is when the biggest news is a gay guy no one has ever heard of is on all the front pages and talk shows. I know I could care less who he is bonein'. Plus every 10 minutes another Sabre goes down with a month long injury. Soon Andrew Peters will be on the first line. At least they keep winning. Then you have the Cuse' who somehow get a 15 point lead every game to only give it up and trail in the final minutes. I think a few more wind sprints are in order. In fact, sports has been so bad I actually started watching the Amerks games on TV(which they have started playing four times a day). Anyways its Saturday night and the temperature is at a all week high of 25, so that means I'm probably drinkin beers in Scotts garage arguing about who had the most RBI's in JV baseball.(if anyone still has the stats sheet it is greatly needed)
Maxium Afinogenov ON THE REBOUND CRUNCHES IT HOME ITS TIED AT ONE! Thats what just happened in the sabres edminton game. Had a great weekend in LA. Bounced out of work at 1230 on fri and decided to quickly grab some shit and head to the ocean. Windows down, Any Time Now cd blastin, 85-90mph through the desert was a blast. No traffic it was all comin into vegas. Pete's shitty directions got me in west hollywood and a call from mel with real directions. Pete and Dan's apartment is at a great location which is a bigger priority than not sleeping next to eachother on airmatresses. Imediatly smoked a bowl and bought some Kush. The Kush is some serious potent weed. At one point the asian dealer (more of a talker than dutchie) whipped up his shirt and started screaming i was a cancer patient look at my scar! After hetzer tried to sell him office supplys we went out. Walk in to the first bar and go down a long hallway. The bar turned out to be prodominantly african american and thugish. We decided we had to get atleast a drink, the bar turned out alright. Next went to a hotel bar where three drinks cost me 40 dollars. Luck of the draw on rounds i guess. Got wasted hit the in and out stumbled back smoked some kush. It hard to describe the pete and dutchie relationship but its definitly comedy. The rest of the weekend was great dont really feel like typing anymore.
I guess getting paid once a month is rough hoock. Ice water?? Boooooorrrrinnnng
Speaking of boring- The NBA allstar game is the big hype around here, the statue of liberty outside of NY NY is wearing and East jersey, and the lion and the MGM West. Should be interesting just wish it was anything other than the NBA.
Counting sheep ain't got nothing on pro basketball. If I ever need a nap, all I have to do is turn on The Wizards vs the Hawks and it will only be a matter of time before my eyes force themselves shut. Somehow the NBA makes the game of basketball seem boring. And I'm not even sure how that's possible.
We're going on day 4 of no cell phone and the end is not yet in site. I'm trying to get one sent to me, but Cingular doesn't deliver to PO Boxes.
I've heard there has been some massive snowstorms in NY. Maybe thats why the ROC crew has yet to RSVP to this party. I must say, hearing about the latest blizzard has me longing to be back home. I miss the snowdays and bundling up to brave the wicked cold conditions. There is really no equivalent to a real Northern winter. Those who haven't experienced it can never understand.
I would probably pay at least $10 for a J&R's burger right now. No good pizza around here either. I have the choice between Pizza hut and a place called Sal's. I know Bernie has yet to find a good pie out in Vegas. What I ate when I was out there was supreme crap.
Hopefully February comes and goes quickly. March is a great sports month. NCAA tourney, spring training, and the NHL games become a little more meaningful. I would love to see the Sabres go all the way. We deserve another shot after the screwjob of '99.
That's all for now. If you'll excuse me, I feeling a little tired. Maybe a Celtic or Knicks game is on TV...
First off, let me say that Dan Hetzer was responsible for that comment that my screen name left a couple of days ago. He read the email and asked me for my password to continue on, since I already had my account set up. I specifically said, "Make sure you put down that it was you that wrote it."
I heard him say "Ok" and figured he would. Looks like he didn't. So that's that.
Now, what you may be wondering is, why was Hetzer using my computer? As you may have assumed already, Hetzer and Pete arrived in Southern California and stayed with me for a few days.
Pete slept in the corner of our family room in a nice cove between the big ass Tv that doesn't work, our love seat and two walls. Dutchie slept on our fairly new futon, which was a gift. This was the set up for the duration of their stay.
They had a pretty packed couple of days. Hetzer got a job, Pete got an interview with the same company without even sending in an application. I'm sure they can both fill you in more about the details about the duties of the job.
Some memorable moments / comments from Pete and Hetzer's stay in North Hollywood:
- Hetzer asking me if I've ever visited a sweatshop out here in california. I pretended to think about it for a little while but in all honesty, I knew pretty much right away that, No Hetzer, I've never been to a sweatshop. He apparently went to one in East LA to sell them some paper supplies. And you want to know what he said about the visit? "It was pretty cool." He went on to explain something or other about how some people were putting on zippers, some were sewing the seams, etc., but I just kept thinking that 'cool' would probably not describe visiting a sweatshop
- Pete and Hetzer reporting after every place they visit, "Mel, there were a lotta dimes there. Dimes everywhere." Bars, places Hetzer went for work, even the local Bank of America I go to, which happens to be this bank. (three weeks to the 10th anniversary!) Yeah, guys I get it. There are a lot of hot women in the greater LA area.
-Both of them saying, "man, there were Mexicans everywhere." You'll have that. And it's probably not going to change.
-They cleaned our kitchen which was very nice of them.
-They loved the water we have. Kept raving about it. I just took the tap water and poured it into a water jug and stored it in the fridge. I agree that it does taste pretty good.
There are some other things that were probably pretty funny but I can't really remember them right now.
They finally settled down in Culver City, roughly about 20 miles south from where I live. I wish them luck in all their future endeavors.
In other business, I am following the sabres pretty closely myself. Well, my roommate is. He currently has five different Sabre jerseys hanging up on his wall right now. He's pretty into it. So I hear all about them, which is good.
Watched almost the entire Spurs vs. Suns game the other day with Hetzer and Pete. I know that the Suns are the clear fan favorite to watch and it's obvious they are a lot of fun and are a talented team. And I was caught up in it myself (and I'm still kinda caught up in it, I love watching them play) but then TNT put up a graphic about their record against the top teams in the West. After beating the Spurs, it was their only victory against the top teams in West (Dallas, Utah, San Antonio and the LA Lakers, with the Suns going 1-7 at the time). Doesn't bode well for the playoffs, should be good to see how it all plays out. By the way, that was about the NBA and the crickets got pretty loud there at the end.
My favorite 'new' band right now is The Broken West. If you listen to 'On the Bubble' and don't think it's the catchiest jam out there, check your vital signs. Also, Lazy Eye by the Silversun Pickups is fuckin great too.
That's about all I got for now. I like this, let's keep on keeping on.
Well, it appears as though my cell phone no longer works. For some reason, and it happened out of the blue, it just cannot find a signal. I've tried to fix it the best way I know how (dropping it on the ground numerous times), but to no avail. So, for the time being, the computer is my only means of communication. And an additional problem is that I have no idea where the closest Cingular store is. It could be an hour away.
Bernie, I'd love to get the NHL package, but I have these pesky things called bills. And when I'm done paying those, I have just enough money for a package of twizzlers and a 12 pack of Miller high life.
Vegas haters? Excuse me. You can have your 70 degree weather. You can also keep all your prostitutes, mexicans, and whatever other scum of the Earth that has transplanted out to the desert. Except my Aunt, you can't have her. Bet it all on black and maybe then those $21 Big Easy drinks won't seem so expensive. As for me, I'll take a water on the rocks.
If this site becomes too big of a commitment for you, then I think you may have missed the point. And thats ok. We're just trying to get some dialogue going.
Once I get my phone back to working status, I'll be making a few phone calls. Job hunting season is upon us. I'm thinking along the East coast from NC to Georgia. Who's comin with me?
Just watched the sabres vs. trashers game. Great, fast pace game. Sabres won in a shoot out. Hoock I think you should suck it up and get the center ice for this stanley cup season. If not you can send that sabres jacket to 2121 north jones blvd. Local news gave a shout out to western ny last night chucklin how its 74 degrees here and 3 there. Thats a tough one to argue vegas haters. Heard dutchie and pete got an apartment in LA now. My favorite quote from pete in vegas "I just want to destroy girls!" Watch out LA! Like joe as fantasy commissioner, im out!
I really like the idea of this blog. However, I think this is going to end up being another thing I have to check everyday. Currently after I log onto the internet I procede to check my
I know many of us already had facebook and myspace accounts...perhaps we could just create a group within one of those. I know it would be better for me.
I mean even Culhane the has found his way over to facebook...perhaps its time for the rest of you luddites to as well
Just looked at the forcast for the superbowl. It's calling for rain. That's right RAIN. I dont think a dainty dome team like the colts can handle weather. Their fans cant handle weather either. Look at that bears nfc title game in a snow storm we all saw what happened to dome saints. Go bears for showing toughness in a sport about toughness and picking off domes. If you want to play inside go to arena football.
Oh ya, best movies to watch over and over again . . . "Groundhog Day" and "Memento" . . . .Because I've got this condition . . . . . . have I explained this to you before?
It appears your ego has grown bigger than your head dear Melon. And I certainly am not scared of your California crew (A nearly bald 24 year old Italian pothead and a crazed alcohol- driven redhead). If that's the best you got then you better keep recruiting.
The thing is, Mel, are we talking only to ourselves or will this idea catch on.
Our fantasy league needs to be revolutionized. Our opinions must be heard. I know for sure there exists one activist in our group. He will no longer stand for the crimes against, well, I suppose nobody really committed any crimes. (Though we have no idea what happened on Pete and Hetzer's latest strip club venture).
Hopefully everyone has received the emails and can access this site. I'm really not sure if all of you are anboard with the new idea, but I think it will work out if everyone gives it a chance.
Can someone please put a stop to this Barry Bonds madness? Baseball season is rapidly approaching and all he's gonna do is swing for the fences. We need someone to go Lee Harvey Oswald on this guy before he gets 756.
Super Bowl this weekend. I'll be watching it up in DC. Go Colts. Ya Bernie, I am rooting for a dome team. But, more importantly, guess who's got the #1 pick this year. Although I'm guessing Oakland will find some way to screw it up (just like Houston did last year). Vince Young and Reggie Bush are available, but the Texans felt secure with Dominick Davis and David Carr. Are you kidding me? And this isn't hindsight talking. It was obvious a year ago who the impact players were going to be. Rooting for the Texans might be the only thing worse than being a Raider fan at this point.