

Maxium Afinogenov ON THE REBOUND CRUNCHES IT HOME ITS TIED AT ONE! Thats what just happened in the sabres edminton game. Had a great weekend in LA. Bounced out of work at 1230 on fri and decided to quickly grab some shit and head to the ocean. Windows down, Any Time Now cd blastin, 85-90mph through the desert was a blast. No traffic it was all comin into vegas. Pete's shitty directions got me in west hollywood and a call from mel with real directions. Pete and Dan's apartment is at a great location which is a bigger priority than not sleeping next to eachother on airmatresses. Imediatly smoked a bowl and bought some Kush. The Kush is some serious potent weed. At one point the asian dealer (more of a talker than dutchie) whipped up his shirt and started screaming i was a cancer patient look at my scar! After hetzer tried to sell him office supplys we went out. Walk in to the first bar and go down a long hallway. The bar turned out to be prodominantly african american and thugish. We decided we had to get atleast a drink, the bar turned out alright. Next went to a hotel bar where three drinks cost me 40 dollars. Luck of the draw on rounds i guess. Got wasted hit the in and out stumbled back smoked some kush. It hard to describe the pete and dutchie relationship but its definitly comedy. The rest of the weekend was great dont really feel like typing anymore.

I guess getting paid once a month is rough hoock. Ice water?? Boooooorrrrinnnng

Speaking of boring- The NBA allstar game is the big hype around here, the statue of liberty outside of NY NY is wearing and East jersey, and the lion and the MGM West. Should be interesting just wish it was anything other than the NBA.

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