
Hump Day

Well, it appears as though my cell phone no longer works. For some reason, and it happened out of the blue, it just cannot find a signal. I've tried to fix it the best way I know how (dropping it on the ground numerous times), but to no avail. So, for the time being, the computer is my only means of communication. And an additional problem is that I have no idea where the closest Cingular store is. It could be an hour away.

Bernie, I'd love to get the NHL package, but I have these pesky things called bills. And when I'm done paying those, I have just enough money for a package of twizzlers and a 12 pack of Miller high life.

Vegas haters? Excuse me. You can have your 70 degree weather. You can also keep all your prostitutes, mexicans, and whatever other scum of the Earth that has transplanted out to the desert. Except my Aunt, you can't have her. Bet it all on black and maybe then those $21 Big Easy drinks won't seem so expensive. As for me, I'll take a water on the rocks.

If this site becomes too big of a commitment for you, then I think you may have missed the point. And thats ok. We're just trying to get some dialogue going.

Once I get my phone back to working status, I'll be making a few phone calls. Job hunting season is upon us. I'm thinking along the East coast from NC to Georgia. Who's comin with me?

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