
NBA makes me sleepy

Counting sheep ain't got nothing on pro basketball. If I ever need a nap, all I have to do is turn on The Wizards vs the Hawks and it will only be a matter of time before my eyes force themselves shut. Somehow the NBA makes the game of basketball seem boring. And I'm not even sure how that's possible.

We're going on day 4 of no cell phone and the end is not yet in site. I'm trying to get one sent to me, but Cingular doesn't deliver to PO Boxes.

I've heard there has been some massive snowstorms in NY. Maybe thats why the ROC crew has yet to RSVP to this party. I must say, hearing about the latest blizzard has me longing to be back home. I miss the snowdays and bundling up to brave the wicked cold conditions. There is really no equivalent to a real Northern winter. Those who haven't experienced it can never understand.

I would probably pay at least $10 for a J&R's burger right now. No good pizza around here either. I have the choice between Pizza hut and a place called Sal's. I know Bernie has yet to find a good pie out in Vegas. What I ate when I was out there was supreme crap.

Hopefully February comes and goes quickly. March is a great sports month. NCAA tourney, spring training, and the NHL games become a little more meaningful. I would love to see the Sabres go all the way. We deserve another shot after the screwjob of '99.

That's all for now. If you'll excuse me, I feeling a little tired. Maybe a Celtic or Knicks game is on TV...

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