

Not only did I NOT go to the PREAKNESS, I also was NOT able to place the bets I wanted to make. I missed Shawn at J & R's by a matter of minutes. If we were able to connect, I'd be at least a hundred dollars richer. I liked Curlin to win. I also liked the 7 and 8 horses (Street Sense and Hard Spun) to finish second and third. Therefore, I planned on telling Shawn to bet 4-7-8 and 4-8-7. I wrote those numbers on a piece of paper on Eddie's coffee table. I may have nothing to show for it, but I'll always know the truth. And, next year, you can bet your ass I'm wagering on my favorite Triple Crown race. The question is whether my bet will be placed inside Pimlico or somewhere else (probably depends on where I'm living at the time and if anyone else is willing to go).

Big Memorial Day weekend planned. Two days out on a boat. Beautiful weather in the forecast. Beer, food, games, music, and from what I hear, lots of people. Of course, LOTS of people in Kilmarnock, Virginia may mean less patrons than are currently drinking coffee outside a Starbucks on Hollywood Boulevard right now, but you get the point. I'm just hoping I don't make a fool out of myself. Although, with only two weeks to go after this weekend, does it really matter?

A question for the Cali crew? How much is gas? Eddie and I were discussing it this past weekend. I say over $4.00.

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